Syndication Feeds

What is a syndication feed? RSS?

A syndication feed is a method for web sites to distribute announcements of new content. To find out what's new on, you can just check our syndication feed(s). If you're keeping up with multiple web sites, this can be a big time-saver. RSS is a popular type of syndication feed and an acronym for Really Simple Syndication.

How do I use it?

First, you will need a feed reader. Google Reader and Bloglines are two free, popular online feed readers. The video below serves as a short, easy (e.g. no geek speak) introduction to using syndication feeds. If you want to check out other options, the RSS Compendium is a good resource – or feel free to ask on the forum for assistance.

Commoncraft video: RSS in Plain English syndication feeds

Tales from Trolleywood RSS feed (tour journals)
The Eisley Diaries RSS feed (band member journals)
Latest forum topics RSS feed
Latest eisleyBlog forum topics RSS feed
Latest General forum topics RSS feed