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Vintage Newbie

I've been on the fence with Bazan's solo stuff. Musically I know it's solid, but do I need another 5 albums of stuff on top of Pedro the Lion, and he honestly out-melancholies my capacity for melancholy, which is a phenomenal feat. Thing is, that Bazan stuff should already be in stock, they've been selling it for years, unless they ran out and had to do a new run?

Never bothered to look up any other Pedro members so I am gonna give a listen to and see what that's all about. Sounds good so far, reminding me of someone but I can't put my finger on it.

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I just got the Gibbard solo album and saw that Walsh worked on some tracks on that. Maybe there is a Seattle connection. Walsh knows Jurado and he is from Seattle. I only got a shipping notification on Thursday after e-mailing them Wednesday night. They didn't give an explanation other than it's on it's way.
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Jurado, what I've heard of him at least, immediately came to mind when I listened to some of the Walsh stuff, and in a good way, so there's that.

Talented musicians in indie circles working together is never a band thing in my book. I think Gibbard and Bazan at one point where two sides of the same coin as far as their talent as songwriters and their choice of tone in material and arrangements, very close, but approaching the same subject matter from different philosophical bases but similar conclusions. And now they are closer to being the same side of the coin than ever.

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Got my order today. Before I even opened it I noticed the paper inner sleeve was tattered. Pulled it out and the vinyl had broken through the middle of all 3 sides. Oh well. I take it you got yours by now?

Accidentally skimmed through most of this thread. In a weird way I still think of you, Wil, as a new(er) member and you've been around 5 years! Too funny.

Re MBV: I just ordered the old CD version of Loveless to put an Amazon order over $25. I kept reading that the remastered version has a digital error or pop or something. If it became a classic via the original CD, that should be good enough.

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My bad, I got mine sometime last week. I was coming home from a long long day at work, and was like, "Well nice, finally things break my way!" Instead of me just breaking things.

I haven't even opened the record, it's still in the cellophane. The box and sleeve looked okay, and I downloaded the waves before it arrived, so I was in no hurry to play it. Vinyl is so impractical for me since I mainly play music driving, or when I'm home, I play it stairs while I'm doing house work. My turntable is on my oooooold component system downstairs, and I only go down there to do laundry, or work on music, and occasionally reorganize storage. I feel like I should check now, cause that really freaking sucks that your record is busted.

Back in 07' I bought all of Say Hi To Your Mom's cds from their merch table at the show the first time I heard them (they were touring with the Velvet Teen in Chicago, and I took a train from STL to there to see them). I had to leave midway into their 2nd or 3rd song, and was loving it, when my friends said they had to leave cause they get up at 4am. The guy at the table said he thought the songs they were playing were on on of the like 6 cds laid out with similar covers. I asked if those were just alternate covers, and he was like "no, they're all albums". So I ran downstairs to the ATM and get the cash and bought them all because:

1. I liked the music so far a whole lot
2. I was really feeling guilty walking out on the headliner's set
3. I felt more guilty that the main guy in the band was actually at the merch table right next to the Velvet Teens the whole time before and during their set looking kinda downcast, and I didn't even know he was in the band, meanwhile I was having a good time talking with the guys from the Velvet Teen about their the recent line-up change and how AMAZING the show was.

Well, on the train, in my pre-mp3 player days, I had a discman, and I listened to all those albums on the 5 hour ride home. They were all pretty good, a few were Great. But when I got home, their 2nd album, the Numbers and the Mumbles errored out in my home cd player and car. I was so bummed. I was able to get my mac at work to play it and ripped the songs and burned a cd (sadly, not WAV quality, or even apple lossless). I didn't have a home computer at the time, just at work. I reached out to Eric Elbogen via myspace and he offered to send me another cd, but I declined because I'd already made the burn. I was just so attached to the idea that the actually artifact that was the cd failed. I wondered if the discman had altered the dimensions of the center hole and kept it from spinning correctly or something, or its laser was too hot and burned the data somehow? Either way, I reminded me of the lengths I've gone to in the past to salvage cassettes. I did stuff like cutting a itty bitty bit of a crimped tape that was unplayable, and using invisible tape on the underside to rebind the ends so I could play the tape, or in one case, I transferred the entire tape spool from one case to another after that case got broken and it's spinning mechanism got stuck.

I was just raised to treat music and the mediums it's committed to, with great care and reverence. It sort of made me a little OCD about that kind of stuff. What do I mean, a little. I am a loon as far as that is concerned, hands down.

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the record doesn't look busted. i'm sure it plays fine. just the 3 sides of the inner sleeve are broke through like i said. my record players are messed up, so i don't know when i'll play the actual record.

my main way of listening intently is via a portable cd player by my bed, or vehicle stereo when i have a job. i would definitely listen to vinyl if all the various player hurdles were gone.

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bigideas wrote:
the vinyl had broken through the middle of all 3 sides. .

I totally misinterpreted that part right there. You meant of the inner sleeve, I was think you were saying that the vinyl was broken, and I took the middle to mean the center of the record. That doesn't explain the 3 sides, so that should have tipped me off. My bad. Long, long day...

I got a bass I ordered today, and it was jacked up. It had been crushed in the manufacturer's unreinforced/ padded box before shipment. Super lame.

Is the inner sleeve covered with art, or is it just a basic plain white sleeve? Honestly, what good is a paper inner sleeve inside a cardstock paper sleeve? Other than making a record fit a little more snug (or keep a record in the outer sleeve if you rotate the inner sleeve so it's opening faces the closed side of the outer sleeve), and in some cases an extra printing surface, it's just redundant. I guess if the inner sleeve is waxed paper, or semi-glossy that will cut down on abrasion wear? The plastic ones make more sense if the issue is preventing abrasion.

I used to get the old stereos people would throw out and keep the speakers, but then I started trying to get those combo units to work (turntable, 8 track, receiver, and sometimes a cassette deck). I lucked on an ancient blister pack of assorted needles when a friend was working at Radioshack in the late 90s, cause he was cleaning and found it, gave it to me, and I was able to change the needles on a couple and get the record players working. There were issues with the motor speed on those belt drive turntables being off, so they played slightly faster than intended, but it was a means to and end. At the college I was at they also had a media center in the library with turntables connected to receivers with no speakers, and adjacent dual cassette decks, so you could listen to their old records and make dubs of tracks you might have needed for a class. Some of my friends who were hardcore indie back then would come in with the vinyl from all these boutique labels of math rock and early emo stuff and make mixtapes for each other once they knew what was up. Around that time, out of stubborness I was still special ordering tapes from the record shop after Chuck stopped keeping them in general inventory. I just refused to let them die. I was fine with it after a few months when tapes ended up costing as much as cds, working tape decks with a low signal to noise ratio and minimal wow and flutter were hard to come buy and way overpriced. Now I really dread the loss of the CD and hope it doesn't go away. I don't want to be stuck with the options being Vinyl + download, or one or the other.

I think these distributors that sell packages to indie artists are cutting them deals on cds made to order. I just ordered some stuff from Sleeping At Last, and for the first time in a long time, they are selling cds of their albums prior to the most recent box set. They are upping the price because the cds come with a DL of mp3s automatically. Even Amazon is starting to sell cds with instant streaming of the purchase, with option to download.

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Yeah, it has a close up face picture of the guy on the cover and then the other side has the credits and all the Kickstarter names.

Dang son, you are going on some serious long tangents about everything but SF59. Laughing

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I was trying to avoid writing what I was thinking at the time, and still am:

Modern music on vinyl feels and sounds wrong to me. It just does. SF59 is arguably rerto 80s underground new wave/ shoegaze at this point, but I can't shake my gut feeling. I just spent too much of my life spinning my parents dust scratched up records to not feel like new music on vinyl is an oxymoron on some level. It's petty and old fashioned but meh, if I haven't changed by now...

Maybe it cause I didn't ever hear new wake on vinyl as a kid? Just on the radio and tv, then cds later on?

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