Laughing City
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Sea Post King

hey there. i just wanted to post something quickly to thank all of you who commented on boyd's introduction of me to the fans. perhaps he may have gone a lot over the top listing most of my resume, but that's boyd for you... one of the things that makes him exude pure awesomeness. boyd has become my best friend in a relatively short time, but it feels like we've known each other forever... it's actually quite strange... in a good way, of course.

anywho... i feel privileged to be working with eisley like no other music industry work i've ever done before. i really feel like part of a family - so much that boyd and i speak for four hours some days.. no exaggeration there, either. you might ask... "do these people have lives?"

eisley = our lives. i'm really excited as to where we're going with this - and just wait... the next few years are going to be frickin' AWESOME.

so there's my introduction. feel free to email me questions about the band or anything else... just make sure to use this email:

the email listed in the "business" section of the site for me is only for eisley business stuff. if your email is about giving the band the whole radiohead tour (or something else business-related Razz), by all means... send it to that one.

however, if it's just a general question about the band, or an introduction, or just saying hi... send to

i'd like to meet as many of you as possible... as i said before, we're a family. i'd like to hear your thoughts on what YOU think eisley should do, what you love about eisley, etc....

having said that, again... thanks so much for being so welcoming and not treating me like another lame industry guy - i've worked with some of those lame industry guys for years... here's the difference between us: i have morals and ethics. Very Happy

well... looking forward to meeting you all!

...and here's an incentive to email me with your eisley dreams and ideas:
every once in a while, i come across a few tickets to a show that happens to be, well, anywhere in the western world Smile keep in touch with ideas (no idea is a bad one) that you have... what you'd like to see the band do, etc... and i will make sure that there are tickets-a-plenty for the most creative people... but don't do it for the tickets. do it because eisley rocks! Smile

back to the eisley grind,

i'm jason. i manage bands. one of them is this here band, Eisley, whom i manage with my best friend in the entire world, the wonderful Boyd DuPree. i like the cure. i've spent nearly 14 years in the music industry and haven't turned into a selfish, evil , money-grubbing liar yet. thank God.
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Golly, Poster

Welcome Razz

If I ever get any ideas, I'll be sure to let you know.
...I actually have quite a few, most are just quite silly and far fetched. Idea

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"

-Mahatma, Gandhi
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Last edited by sebas on Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Protocol Droid

Welcome to the forum! I feel like it's still a good place to get an inkling of what the hard core Eisley fans think. I'm excited for what you and Boyd have in store for the band. Maybe I'll type out some thoughts in e-mail at some point ...

Anyway, thanks for saying hi!


You can't spell awesome without emo...backwards! -Julie
definingawesome (11:44:11 PM): Eisley shivers our timbers
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Sea Post King

welcome! we're glad you are jumping on with eisley! it's nice to see some people in the business who are down to earth.
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Golly, Poster

Welcome ^^ I'm glad to see you here.
I can't wait to see what the next freaking awesome years will be like (aside from freaking awesome, that is... or rather, more specifically than just freaking awesome) (:
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Vintage Newbie

Wait... who is this dude?
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Protocol Droid

JBaker wrote:
Wait... who is this dude?

You have to read down a bit, but:


You can't spell awesome without emo...backwards! -Julie
definingawesome (11:44:11 PM): Eisley shivers our timbers
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Lost at Forum

Hi Jason! I guess by now you know just how strongly we fans feel about Eisley! I feel so pumped after Boyd's post introducing you to us! And the part about ethics and morals, well, Eisley and we fans wouldn't have it any other way! That's one reason why "A special kind of for you!" and Eisley is a special kind of band!
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Golly, Poster

This is fantastic! It is great to see someone so open to input from the fans. I mean Boyd is always open to input too of course but he has a gazillion things going on in his mind/life.

I suspect I will be sending a little something your way sooner rather than later.

"I ask none to live for me, nor do I live for any others. I cover no man's soul, nor is my soul theirs to cover."?

"My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end."

-Ayn Rand, Anthem

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Vintage Newbie

Welcome to LC! I just sent you a long-winded e-mail. Very Happy

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Vintage Newbie

cool beans.

you want my ideas?


I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.
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Kylee Janai
Vintage Newbie

Welcome Jason! Glad to have you join the Eisley family! You sound like a really cool, and brilliant, fella! Smile
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Laughing Citizen

Hi Jason!

Thanks for the nice introduction and openess! Looking forward to seeing what you and Boyd come up with in the future for Eisley. Sounds like it's going to be a good team!
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Golly, Poster

Welcome to the forum, Jason!
I'm pysched about this whole management thing.

I used to be Snow White
but I drifted

-Mae West
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Vintage Newbie

In case anyone was as confused as I was,

With no further fanfare: Ladies and bro's... meet the very unique,
very accomplished, very intelligent, strangely extraordinary with a twist of
quirkish whimsy: Jason Miller. Relatively young - circa 1980 model human,
he's first - a music lover and has been a fan since he was handed
MossEisley's ep1 (circa 2002) at Warner Bros Records. Confused? It will
make sense, i swear. He ended up in this strange industry by running a fan
website for a band ( in '94 - which happened to be the name
that Green Day and the internet became household names.

As fate would have it, the head of Warner's New Media at the time
(his friend Jimmy Dixon - now an itunes honcho w/ Apple) was stoked over
his skill-set and introduced him to the (then) pres' of Warner Reprise
(Howie Klein) who hired him. I can't imagine being in this role at 19. uhh?
At that age, I was studying art in College, playing in bands, blaring Dark
Side of the Moon (and some 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky) out my college
dorm with my brother, Wade, who is none other than Garron's dad.

Anyway, as I understand it, his connection w/ WB and Howie led him to
Kevin Lyman, creator and owner of the Warped Tour - who became his
next mentor... bringing him on the tour, teaching him production skills, etc.

I could say a lot but it might take too long. He's currently writing his
"International Affairs" thesis on "peace in the Middle East", primarily
working/living in Montreal, Canada (still spends some time in LA), etc. He is
former head of New Media at Warner Reprise, he's worked as a tour
manager and tour accountant for some impressively huge bands as well as
some small ones; let's see, what else; he has a ridiculous mind - almost an
encyclopedic knowledge of more subjects than I've ever heard about, he's
tri-lingual (English, Spanish, German... learning French currently so would
that be Quadro-linguistical?), he's a techno-geek (Apple and other
recording + live technologies, communication technologies, recording
technologies, etc.) a natural administrator, he's goal oriented (success
oriented - he accomplishes his goals) he's very strategic, understands
branding/marketing; oh - he also worked as CTO (chief technological
officer) for the Warped tour, now owns a clinic in Montreal for drug and
alcohol addiction treatment... on and on.

On the music side, but he is all about artist development, has a
grasp on the new world (similarly, he was championing the cause at WB to
move into the digital realm way back in the day). Now everyone is moving
into the digital realm, right? Jeeze, what else are we gonna do?
Interestingly, we have some answers to that question Smile. I think you will
love the outcome:

New music for one; new music and touring is always at the core of Eisley's
happy thought/s. Hope you agree.

Ctrl + F "Jason Miller"


BTW, I've always wanted to play the cannon part in 1812, Boyd.

EisleyForever wrote:
you're A-list in my heart!

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